
Thursday 21 February 2013

Chia Seed Banana Porridge with Pomegranate

So yesterday I went to the store and wanted to buy something new, something that I haven't tried before but tastes good and is fun for what I like the most - "kitchexperiment". So this time I've bought chia seeds. I wanted to try them out for quite some time now, since I've seen all tasty puddings and porridges that can be made out of it. 

Beside that I've read quite some articles about these special seeds and these 13 awseome reasons why should we eat chia every day convinced me to go for it:

- super high in fiber - so no problems with your digestion anymore ;)
- contains lots of Omega 3 - which means good fat, essential to your body
- lots of proteins are great for me as a very sporty kind of person
- contains lots of iron - that I probably don't get enough with red meat
- is also very good for your skin, nails etc. - who wouldn't want that, ha? ;)

- and it should make you feel full longer - I really don't like being hungry at work, which is perfect!

So I've bought it. And couldn't wait untill morning to start experimenting in the kitchen. I've made a chia porridge with mashed banana. Since I love the refreshing taste of pomegranate, I decided to add this freshness to my morning dessert, so I've added some seeds in the middle and some on top. To decorate my creation and make it more energetic, I've put some sliced almonds and coconut on top. To complete my tasty breakfast, there was also already made whole wheat croissant with honey and a cup of coffee to start my day just the way I like the most: lively and full of energy. And that's just how it turned out at the end! ;)

Here's the recipe:

Ingredients for 1 person:
1,5 Tbsp of chia seeds
1 banana
3,5 Tbsp (coconut) milk
3,5 Tbsp water
seeds from vanilla bean
flaked coconut 
sliced alomonds
pomegranate seeds

A night before combine chia seeds with milk and water and mix it well with a spoon. Cover and put in the fridge over night. In the morning put mixture in the blender, add one banana, a bit of vanilla beans and blend untill creamy.
Put half in a jar and add some pomegranate seeds. Put the other half on top of pomegranate seeds and decorate with some flaked almonds and coconut or however you want to. Enjoy your refreshing morning porridge and have a great day!

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