
Sunday 17 February 2013

Welcome to my healthy tasty and delicious little online corner!

Hey everybody!

After already having one blog in slovenian language and receiving many requests when will I start writing also in english, I was thinking for a long time what to do - should I translate all of my 55 posts to english? Leave it as it is and continue in english version? Or just start all over? 

Well as you can see, I've decided to start all over again. I hope I haven't let down my slovenian friends because of this, but there will sure come a lot of new, improved and even more innovative ideas about preparing tasty, healthy and delicious meals. Since my slovenian friends already are experts in english I'm sure it will be no problem for them to understand the writing, and all other followers from all over the world will also have a chance to join and try to make these kind of dishes by themselves. So at the end I hope I will not let anyone down (maybe just with my not-so-perfect english, but I'm sure you will all understand the main point of my posts). :)

Anyway, if we get down to the point, just a short overview what can you expect from my posts. 
Definitely a lot of food - yeah, I just love spinning myself around the kitchen, trying to make something that hasn't been done yet, a mixture of different recipies with a pint of my own idea. Beside that I always put as much healthy ingredients in the recipies as possible. Since I am a huge gourmand and love to eat, I try to eat healthy, otherwise I would probably already be too big to fit in front of the table and type the post I'm just about to publish. :) Ok, let's put the joke aside and get down to business - I'm already excited to start my new coulinary journey (again!) and hope to post and share my recipes with my eager followers.

Till my next post with love,


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