
Wednesday 29 May 2013

Baby Shower Light Vanilla-Yoghurt-Berry Cake

This time I've got really special job to do. My friend wanted me to make a cake for a baby shower - how cute is that! :) She wanted to be a small attention - not too big, with not many decorations, just simple healthy light dessert. And she knows it's going to be a baby boy.

So it was a challange to me. Not with lacking idea of healthy light dessert. But to make a decoration for a baby boy! So I was thinking going through the store and a cute little blue dummy lollipop cought my eye! Perfect for baby-boy cake decoration. So finally a light vanilla-yoghurt cake with strawberries and raspberries on real chocolate crust with blue dummy on top was the baby shower cake. I just hope the guest liked it! ;)


* 3 large eggs
* 90 grams wholewheat spelled flour
* 3 Tbsp 100% cocoa
* 1 vanilla sugar 
* 40 g powdered sugar

* 300 g vanilla yoghurt
* 360 g natural yoghurt
* 40 g of powdered sugar
* 1 vanilla sugar
* juice of half lemon
* 300 g whipped cream
*  vanilla seeds
* 9 leaves gelatine
* 12 Tbsp rum
* 5 Tbsp strawberry juice
* 400 g strawberries
* 125 g raspberries
* lemon balm leaves


First prepare the crust. Mix eggs with powdered and vanilla sugar until fine creamy consistency. Add flour and cocoa powder and mix again. Pour into 26cm rounded cake pan (be sure to put baking paper in it before). Bake in preheated oven on 180°C for 15 minutes. Take it out and let it cool.

Then cut 400 g of  strawberries on smaller pieces. In a big bowl combine yoghurt with lemon juice, powdered and vanilla sugar. Melt gelatine leaves in cold water. Bring 9 Tbsp of rum to boil and turn the heat down. Add gelatine to rum and mix well. Put mixutre to yoghurt and mix it well. Beat whipping cream and add it to the mixture. Add also some vanilla seeds. Mix well and set aside.

Combine 3 Tbsp of rum with 5 Tbsp of strawberry juice and moisture the crust with the mixture. You will see when it is enough, if you get too much liquid, you don't need to moisture the crust with all of it. ;) Then put strawberries over crust (with baking ring on the crust) and add raspberries - leave some for decoration. Now take cream mixture and pour it over the fruit. Put in the fridge for 2 hours so it firms. 

Take the cake out and decorate with raspberries, lemon balm leaves, dummy :) or however you want.
Baby shower cake is here! :)

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