
Tuesday 21 May 2013

Raw Coconut-Pineapple Cake

This weekend was my mother's birthday. Another birthday means only one thing - another cake! And of course I've spent some time thinking what to prepare for her this time. I knew it's gonna be raw, and since I've been doing mostly chocolate kind of raw desserts lately, I've decided that this time I go for fruit. Again inspired by Amy, I've made raw "pina-colada" cake. With pineapple and coconut. And oh my, was that delicious! Creamy, juicy, healthy and tasty! Just what we've all wanted!

Here is the recipe for all pina-colada lovers (for 26 cm big cake pan):

Ingredients for raw crust:
* 210 ml macadamia nuts 
* 425 ml coconut flour
* a pinch of salt
* 19 medjool dates, pitted

Ingredients for pineapple filling:
* 425 ml macadamia nuts (soaked overnight)
* coconut meat from 1 young coconut and additional soaked cashews, so all together comes to 425 ml
* 100 ml agave nectar
* 70 ml coconut water
* 110 ml coconut oil (warmed to liquid)
* half tsp salt
* vanilla seeds
* 425 ml pineapple - chopped

Ingredients for coconut filling:
* 425 ml macadamia nuts (soaked overnight)
* coconut meat from 1 young coconut and additional soked cashews, so all together comes to 425 ml
* 100 ml agave nectar
* 70 ml coconut water
* 110 ml coconut oil (warmed to liquid)
* half tsp salt
* vanilla seeds
* 210 ml coconut flour 

Ingredients for "jelly":
* 4 medjool dates (soaked)
* 210 ml pineapple - chopped

First prepare the crust
Oil the cake pan (bottom and ring) with coconut oil. Combine macadamia nuts, coconut flour, salt and chopped medjool dates with blender until you get firm consistency - so you can squeeze it with your hands. Than put it in a cake pan and level with your hands.
Put in the fridge and prepare the pineapple filling:
Combine soaked macadamia nuts, coconut meat, soaked cashews, coconut water, agave, salt and vanilla seeds until well combined. Add liquid coconut oil and blend it. Then add chopped pineapple and blend once again until it is well blended. Set aside.
Prepare coconut filling:
Combine soaked macadamia nuts, coconut meat, soaked cashews, agave nectar, coconut water, salt and vanilla seeds. Add liquid coconut oil and blend it. At the end add coconut flour and blend again until it is well blended. Set aside.
Finally prepare the jelly. 
Combine medjool dates with chopped pineapple and blend it well.

At the end combine the filling: put 1 tbsp of each filling 1 tsp of jelly over the crust and keep doing it so until you finish with all filling. Level on the top. Put in the fridge overnight.
In the morning put the cake-pan ring off and decorate your cake. You can do it however you like - I've used chopped pineapple and coconut.

Enjoy every piece od your beautiful raw cake!

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