
Saturday 25 May 2013

Strawberry Coconut Cake

Another weekend - another cake. It's month of may when most of my friends and relatives have birthdays. And that means a lot of cheerful hanging out together, nice little presents and of course a lot of sweets! :) 
Tomorrow my friend Nataša has birthday. She's one hell of sporty mama who I've met in the sport center where I often spend my late afternoons. You don't get to know that much of women who are keeping good shape like she is. I hope I will also find time to do that when I have my own family. 

Nataša told me she wants me to make her a special cake for her birthday. Together we have came to an idea that it should be creamy, juicy and light. So I've decided to use coconut for creamy texture and strawberries for juicy flavour. She didn't want raw cake, but I've tried to make it healthy anyway - with adding almost none sugar and substituting white flour for healthier one. I hope she likes the taste because I've just done my best for decoration so I couldn't ruin it by taking a piece and try it myself. :)



For the crust:
150 g spelled flour
100 g coconut flour
80 g brown sugar
5 eggs
1 dcl coconut oil
1 dcl water
1 baking powder

For the cream:
1 l whipped cream
1 kg strawberries
450 g white cooking chocolate
coconut flour by feeling
6,5 gelatine leaves
1 powdered gelatine
2 dcl strawberry juice
shredded chocolate


A day before prepare the crust. Whisk together sugar and egg yolks. Add coconut oil and water and mix well. Then add flour with baking powder and mix. Make snow from egg whites and add it gently to the mixture - don't mix snow with mixer, use spoon and mix it gently.
Pour into prepared cake pan (covered with baking paper) and bake in preheated oven on 180°C for 35-40 minutes. Take it out and let it cool. Wrap with foil and let it rest until next day.
A day before melt also 450 g of white cooking chocolate in 300 ml of whipping cream. Put in the fridge.

Next day divide the crust into three parts (layers). Cut 500 g strawberries into small pieces. Heat 1 dcl of strawberry juice. Melt gelatine in cold water and add it to the strawberry juice, then mix together. Add cutted strawberries and mix again using spoon. Mix 400 ml of whipped cream and add strawberry mixture to it. Mix it with spoon and put it in thee fridge for 1 hour so ti thickens. 
Then take melted chocolate from the fridge and mix it. While mixing, slowly add some coconut flour (I've done it by feeling - so you can see coconut inside and it is not too thick).

Combine 1 dcl of strawberry juice with 0,5 dcl of rum and 2 dcl of water (if it's not enough, add more water).
Take first layer and spread a bit of combined liquid over the layer (using spoon). Cover with strawberry cream - but leave a little bit of it also for the second layer.
Then take second layer and put it over the cream. Spread a bit of combined liquid over it. Cover with coconut cream - leave a bit for the top. Then cover with the rest of strawberry filling.
Take the last layer, cover the cream, and again spread a bit of combined liquid over and spread the rest of coconut cream on the top. Use knife to spread it nicely so it is even. 

Mixt the rest of the whipping cream, add a bit of powdered gelatine and slowly add coconut flour. Spread cream on the sides of the cake. Leave some for decoration on top.

Cut the rest of strawberries along longer side for decoration. Decorate on the sides and on top. Use decorating bag to decorate the top of your cake. Spread with shredded chocolate. Of course you can let your imagination free with decorating as you want. 
Enjoy the cake! ;)


  1. Krasna dekoracija, o okusu niti ne dvomim.
    Kot praviš-najslajša tortica za krasno žensko!
    lp tamara

  2. Hvala, Tamara! Upam, da bo slavljenki okusna. ;)

  3. O zivjo Darja...Nataši bo zelo vsec...sigurno!
    Vedela sem da zelo dobro pečeš....po MC se hitro širijo dobre novice :-), nisem pa vedela da imas svoj blog.

    lep pozdrav in se vidimo v MC-ju!


  4. Hehe, ja govorice se hitro širijo. K sreči dobre! :) In ker je dobrote treba deliti, sem se odločila, da jih delim z vami. ;)
    Se vidimo!

