
Thursday 2 May 2013


My favourite start of a day - a good, fresh, fruity, saturated smoothy! Makes me alive, gives me full of energy and turns my good mood on. It is acutally hard writting recipes for different kinds of smoothies I make, since I usually just put in fruits that are available in the kitchen, add some nuts, quark, sometimes yoghurt or chia seeds, and smoothies are ready. I will post how I usually do it and give you some tips, what can you add to smoothies aswell.

My favourite
"Bananas Smoothie"

Ingredients for 2 persons:
- 2 tbsp chia seeds
- (coconut) water
- 1 banana
- 3 chunks of ananas (put ananas in fridge a night before, it will give more fresh taste to smoothie)
- 1 pear
- light whole wheat cereals
- coconut strips for decoration
- pomegranate seeds for decoration

A night before combine 2 tbsp of chia seeds with 10 tbsp of coconut water. Put in fridge. In the morning, combine peeled banana together with 3 chunks of ananas. If you want, you can also add one pitted pear. Mix in blender and add chia seeds. Blend it again - for around 1 minute on maximum speed.

Then take a big glass cup and put 1 tbsp of cereals in it. Pour smoothie over cereals - about 3/4 of the cup. Add 2 tbsp od cereals on top. Decorate with coconut strips and pomegranate seeds. Enjoy!

"Red love smoothie"

Ingredients for 2 persons:
- 1 greek yoghurt 0% fat
- around 100 grams of strawberries
- around 100 grams of raspberries
- light whole wheat cereals
- coconut strips for decoration
- strawberries for decoration.

Combine greek yoghurt with strawberries and raspberries in a blender. Mix well for around 1 minute. Then take a big glass cup and put pour smoothie in - about 3/4 of the cup. Add 2 tbsp od cereals on top. Decorate with coconut strips and strawberries, cutted in small pieces. Let love come to you! ;)

"Fruity smoothie"

Ingredients for 2 persons:
- 1 banana
- around 100 grams strawberries
- around 100 grams red pitted grapes
- 2 chunks of ananas
- ligh quark
- almonds, macadamia or other nuts for decoration
- strawberries for decoration

Combine banana, strawberries, grapes and ananas in blender. Mix well for about 1 minute. Then take a big glass cup and put 2 tbsp of quark in it. Pour smoothie over it - about 3/4 of the cup. Cut almonds and macadamia nuts in small pieces and put it over smoothie. Cut few strawberries and garnish them on the top of smoothie. Fruity smoothie is ready for you! :)

These are just some random recipies for smoothies. You can combine all different kinds of fruit. I can give you some tips how to make them taste even better:

  • Add low fat vanilla yoghurt to the mixture.You can also prepare your smoothie, pour it in a cup and then add 2 tbsp of vanilla yoghurt extra to it. That's yummy too!
  • Always put some cold fruit in it otherwise it doesn't taste that good.
  • If you use fruit that contains a lot of water (strawberries, orange etc.) add chia seeds to make smoothie thicker and more creamy. Just soak chia seeds a night before (1 tbsp chia seeds - 5 tbsp water / coconut / almond milk).
  • One of my fav combination is also pineapple-banana-orange smoothie - must try it! :)
  • Use different layers to create parfraits. You can first add some quark in the cup (or greek yoghurt). Then a bit of cereals, add smoothie, and do it again with quark and cereals. Decorate with coconut or different kinds of nuts.

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